Submit (full paper)

Full paper should be submit by 17th May. In order to submit your full paper :

(A) you need to log in (or to create your Scienceconf account on the platform).

(B) once you have logged in, go to “my submissions”

(C) under “My submissions”, your abstract appears. Then click on :  +  (Actions)

Submit 1

(D) Click on « Choisir un fichier » (select a file) and upload your paper. 

Submit 2

(E) On the underside, you can also upload supplementary data (pictures, tables, ...)


(A) If you don’t have already a Scienceconf Account, you can create it in two ways:

- on the portal: .

- on the site of the conference by selecting "Login"




Complete the form in the database with your personal details. You will receive an email with a link to validate the creation of your account.

If you have already created an account on Hal, this account can be reused to access No need to create a new account.

Can't remember if you already have an account? An account is associated with an email address. When you fill in your email address on the account creation form, the system will indicate if the email address is already used.

You can recover your password here:

If you had a HAL account, you can reset your password here: or here






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