Conference > Keynote Speaker



Marieke de Goede is a Professor of Political Science at the University of Amsterdam, Netherlands. She has researched financial security for over 15 years, with a focus on the politics of counter terrorism-financing, financial intelligence and the role of banks in security practices. Marieke De Goede directs the research project FOLLOW: Following the Money from Transactions to Trial, that is funded by an ERC Consolidator Grant. She is author of Speculative Security: the Politics of Pursuing Terrorist Monies (2012) and Virtue, Fortune and Faith: A Genealogy of Finance (2005). 



Brett Christophers is a Professor in the Department of Social and Economic Geography at Uppsala University, Sweden. His research covers a wide range of topics across the political and cultural economies of Western capitalism, from historical and contemporary perspectives. He is author or co-author of five books, the most recent books including The New Enclosure: The Appropriation of Public Land in Neoliberal Britain (2018) and (with Trevor Barnes) Economic Geography: A Critical Introduction (2018).



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