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Steering and scientific committee

IMSW: Philip Roscoe, University of St Andrews (pjr10@st-andrews.ac.uk)
, Stefan Schwarzkopf, Copenhagen Business School (ssc.mpp@cbs.dk), Pascale Trompette, PACTE, University of Grenoble Alpes (Pascale.trompette@umrpacte.fr).

PACTE: Jean Finez (jean.finez@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr), Sidonie Naulin (sidonie.naulin@iepg.fr), Thomas Reverdy (thomas.reverdy@grenoble-inp.fr), Jean-François Ponsot (jean-francois.ponsot@univ-grenoble.fr), Victor Potier (Victor.potier@umrpacte.fr)

With the collaboration of PACTE PhD Students: Thibault Fonteneau, Mickael Fernandez, Flavie Genatio, Vincent Jourdain, Sarah Thiriot.


Organising committee

Pacte & Science Po support staff: Véronique Strippoli, Arthur Larpent, Thierry Bontems, Lise Marcel, Catalina Esparza.

The workshop is organized with the support of PACTE, Science Po, and Grenoble Alpes University. 

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